Lessons by tag «The layout»

We found 20 lessons lessons about the «The layout» in the Hexlet catalog. These lessons on «The layout» are available in the following courses: CSS: Site Adaptability, SASS: Fundamentals of Operations, CSS: Transform (Transform objects).

In course «CSS: Site Adaptability»

Learning about what devices you can apply your styles to

In course «CSS: Site Adaptability»

Learning about the viewport meta tag and how it helps with adaptivity

In course «CSS: Site Adaptability»

Learning how to test your site on different devices

In course «CSS: Site Adaptability»

Getting to know the layout using percentages

In course «CSS: Site Adaptability»

Getting to know Media Queries, one of the most powerful tools for creating adaptive websites

In course «CSS: Site Adaptability»

Learning about the course on adaptive makeup

In course «CSS: Site Adaptability»

Learning about Flex's capabilities when creating adaptive layouts

Exploring the use of mixins in SASS

Learning how to use variables and connect files in SASS

Learning about SASS features allowing to extend the CSS language

Installing the SASS preprocessor

Learning about the main topic of the course

Exploring pattern selectors and learning about the extended directive

Learn how to scale HTML elements using the scale function of the transform property

Learning about the ability to skew HTML elements and the principles of element distortion on several axes

Learning about the course's topics and their application in practice

Learning how to use the `translate` function to move objects on the page

Learning how to rotate objects and select the rotation point using the transform-origin property

Discovering three-dimensional space and learning to work with the perspective of three-dimensional objects in CSS

Learning to use the previously studied transformations in three-dimensional space. Understand movement, rotation, and scaling along three axes

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Found 3 courses by tag «The layout»
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7 hours  
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