Lessons by tag «DDD»
We found 16 lessons lessons about the «DDD» in the Hexlet catalog. These lessons on «DDD» are available in the following courses: JS: Building abstractions with data, Python: Building data abstractions.
Learn how to choose the right data structure for the task
Get acquainted with the concept of data hiding and analyze examples
Learn about the course, its structure, objectives, and goals
Learn to recognize the abstraction barriers and isolate abstraction layers
Discover the rationale for hiding the data (structure) and examine the examples
Learn to model a specific domain
Introducing the concept of data hiding and analyzing examples
Introducing the concept of subject areas
Understanding why to hide data structure and parse examples
Learning to choose the data structure for the task
Learning about the course and its goals
Learning to see the boundaries of abstraction and emphasize layers
Learning to model a specific area