Lessons by tag «ER-модель»
We found 8 lessons lessons about the «ER-модель» in the Hexlet catalog. These lessons on «ER-модель» are available in the following courses: Python: Building data abstractions.
In course
«Python: Building data abstractions»
Introducing the concept of data hiding and analyzing examples
In course
«Python: Building data abstractions»
Introducing the concept of subject areas
In course
«Python: Building data abstractions»
Understanding why to hide data structure and parse examples
In course
«Python: Building data abstractions»
Learning to choose the data structure for the task
In course
«Python: Building data abstractions»
Learning about the course and its goals
In course
«Python: Building data abstractions»
Learning to see the boundaries of abstraction and emphasize layers
In course
«Python: Building data abstractions»
Learning to model a specific area
Recommended courses about the «ER-модель» for beginners
Found 1 course
by tag «ER-модель»