Do it yourself

Course «Git fundamentals»

Follow all of the steps in the lesson.

Lesson «Workflow»
  1. Follow all of the steps in the lesson
  2. Add the file to the repository. Once added, the git status command will show this output:

    git status
    On branch main
    nothing to commit, working tree clean
  1. Follow all of the steps in the lesson
  2. Add a new file with any arbitrary content you like to the repository (you'll need to commit)
  3. Upload the changes to Github using git push
  4. Refresh the repository page on Github. You should see the last commit, i.e., the changes that were made by it
Lesson «Working Directory»
  1. Follow all of the steps in the lesson
  2. Delete the file and make a commit
  3. Add an file with the text git is awesome! and make a commit
  4. Upload the changes to Github using git push
  5. Refresh the repository page on Github and see the changes
  1. Follow all of the steps in the lesson
  2. Make a commit with the message add new content
  3. Upload the changes to GitHub
  1. Follow all of the steps in the lesson
  2. Try to see the history of the Hexlet Guides repository

Follow all of the steps in the lesson

Lesson «Cancelling commits»
  1. Follow all of the steps in the lesson
  2. Change the added text to No code No pain and commit it with a message reading "update"
  3. Upload the changes to GitHub
  1. Follow all of the steps in the lesson
  2. Upload the changes to GitHub
Lesson «Index»

Practice using the commands from the lesson by changing the contents of the repository

  1. Execute all the commands from the lesson
  2. Make the terminal display your current position
  1. Add the .gitignore file to the project
  2. Ignore the file and remove it from the repository
  3. Create an file and make sure that git status does not display it
  4. Upload the changes to GitHub