
JS: Asynchronous programming

8 students
Course updated 25 July 2023
Course JS: Asynchronous programming
$49 per month
for all Hexlet's courses
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  • In-browser editor for exercises
  • Permanent access to theory
  • Asynchronous learning

Included in the course

15 lessons (video or text)
22 exercises in the IDE
43 quizzes
Assistance in Discussions on the website
Access to other courses of the our platform

What you'll learn

  • Understand the types of asynchronous programming in JavaScript (callbacks, promises, async/await)
  • Apply the modern ways to work with asynchronous code
  • Parallelize tasks for better performance
  • Properly organize the structure of asynchronous code that is error tolerant


The course is devoted to getting acquainted with the asynchronous programming model in JavaScript and the browser event model. Topics covered include event loops, timers, callbacks, early binding, and error handling.

Course program

Estimated time: 17 hours


We recommend working on these challenges after completing the course. They'll help you obtain more experience in programming and strengthen your new skills.

completion rate

Recommended program

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