
Code Complete: Explicit and Implicit Function Parameters main picture

In dynamic languages, there are two main approaches when choosing the input parameters for functions: the first is to use explicit, positional arguments, and the second is to pass a structure containing everything that the function expects. In real code, passing arguments implicitly and explicitly are equally common, and it’s not always clear which one should be chosen for a given function. That's what we're going to look at today.

User avatar Kirill Mokevnin
Kirill Mokevnin
01 June 2022
0 Article reading time ~4 minutes Read more
The Anatomy of a Hexlet Groups: understanding formats and making learning mor... main picture

All of our students come to Hexlet with a certain amount of educational experience, at least at school or university. This experience forms not only the idea of what the learning process should look like, but also their very attitude toward learning. Unfortunately, sometimes this can stunt development. Habits and attitudes built up over time often prevent people from seeing alternative options. In this article, we'll take a look at a few common student attitudes about learning and try to see how true they really are.

User avatar Sergei Melodyn
Sergei Melodyn
20 May 2022
0 Article reading time ~5 minutes Read more
Learning Traps main picture

At some point during the learning process, you'll find that expectations don't match reality, and you don't see the desired result. There can be many reasons, but among them are those associated with cognitive distortions. This is the type of reason we're going to talk about here.

User avatar Kirill Mokevnin
Kirill Mokevnin
20 May 2022
1 Article reading time ~4 minutes Read more
Complex and simple programming tasks main picture

Each of us has our own ideas about what learning should be like. They are based on past experiences, other people's stories, and certain ideals.

These perceptions often differ from how the process of becoming a good developer actually works. Students may feel that they're being taught incorrectly or burdened with unnecessary knowledge. Everyone's had an experience like this at school or university. Hexlet is no different. In this article, I'll explain some theoretical basics of the learning process and give you a different perspective on what is going on around you. This will help you to improve your learning and cope with difficulties more easily.

User avatar Kirill Mokevnin
Kirill Mokevnin
20 May 2022
1 Article reading time ~10 minutes Read more
How to Read Professional Literature More Effectively main picture

Reading is important. However, the process of reading matters just as much. On the one hand, you don't want to miss useful information, on the other hand, trying to understand and comprehend every word stretches this process to infinity. Here, I'll share my way of reading. Most likely, it’s not for everyone, but, as a practice has shown, it still works for plenty of people.

User avatar Kirill Mokevnin
Kirill Mokevnin
05 May 2022
1 Article reading time ~2 minutes Read more
Code Complete: Naming Mistakes to Avoid in Programming I main picture

Below are the most common mistakes programmers make when naming variables and functions in their code. These examples are taken from the projects of Hexlet students. I use JavaScript for demonstration purposes only because it is the most universal language, so the examples have nothing to do with the language being used. These mistakes are found everywhere in equal proportions.

User avatar Kirill Mokevnin
Kirill Mokevnin
14 April 2022
3 Article reading time ~4 minutes Read more
Code Complete: Naming in Programming main picture

What is the most difficult part of being a programmer? Naming variables.

This thought seems to be popular among programmers for a reason; people often struggle with naming. Indeed, how we name our entities (functions/variables/constants/classes/modules) is of great significance because generally, we read code, we don't write it.

User avatar Kirill Mokevnin
Kirill Mokevnin
14 April 2022
1 Article reading time ~3 minutes Read more

It's very easy to make mistakes when you have to handle variables, change them, keep track of them, etc., especially in a loop. A great way to understand what's going on is to use the simplest debugging tool of all — console.log.

User avatar R. D.
R. D.
19 January 2017
1 Article reading time ~1 minute Read more