Python: Trees
2 students
Course updated
07 September 2023
Included in the course
8 lessons (video or text)
Assistance in Discussions on the website
Access to other courses of the our platform
What you'll learn
- Understand the principles of tree structure and construction
- Represent in code and process data with a recursive nature
- Build abstractions on top of tree-like data structures
- Use a functional paradigm
In this course, we will discuss how to work with tree-like data structures. You'll learn to represent recursive data in code and build abstractions using trees. You will also learn to use tree processing algorithms and traversal in depth. The knowledge from this course will help programmers organize work with any tree structure: a file system, DOM elements, or a product catalog. To make learning easier, it's worth repeating collections, functions, and declarative programming beforehand.
Course program
Estimated time: 2 hours
Manipulating the virtual file system
Learning to modify the file system in an immutable way -
Additional resources
Some materials the Hexlet team have picked up. This will give you a more in-depth understanding of the topic