Python: Dictionaries and Sets
4 students
Course updated
17 August 2023
Included in the course
9 lessons (video or text)
Assistance in Discussions on the website
Access to other courses of the our platform
What you'll learn
- Understand the structure of dictionaries
- Use dictionaries, create and change them
- Create and manipulate sets
- Process dictionaries with keys, values, and items iterators
In this course, you will study dictionaries (collections of key-value pairs) and sets (a related type of collections). You will learn their internal structure and the syntax for creating and modifying them. As a result, you will learn how to create and copy data from dictionaries and manipulate dictionaries with keys, values, and item iterators. You will learn how to perform various operations on sets: union, difference, intersection, and subset checking. In this course, you will gain the skills necessary to work with hash structures in Python, which you can use to describe entities in any domain. To make learning easier, you should complete the Python Fundamentals and Python Lists courses before taking this course.
Course program
Estimated time: 3 hours
Changing data in the dictionary
Learning how to change items and add data from one dictionary to another -
Operations on sets
Finding out how to compare sets and what you can get from this comparison -
Methods of set objects
Learning how to modify a set in place based on data from another set -
Additional resources
Some materials the Hexlet team have picked up. This will give you a more in-depth understanding of the topic