JS: Redux (React)
6 students
Course updated
25 July 2023
Included in the course
4 lessons (video or text)
3 exercises in the IDE
10 quizzes
Assistance in Discussions on the website
Access to other courses of the our platform
What you'll learn
- Use Redux to store application state
- Organize state in Redux according to a common structure
- Connect Redux to React with react-redux
- Build asynchronous logic with custom actions (thunk)
Redux is the official way to manage state in non-trivial React apps. Despite its simplicity and elegance, it takes time to understand. In addition, there is a large ecosystem of libraries around Redux that automate various tasks. This course is also dedicated to the most popular libraries.
Course program
Estimated time: 5 hours
Additional resources
Some materials the Hexlet team have picked up. This will give you a more in-depth understanding of the topic