HTML: Preprocessor Pug
2 students
Course updated
25 July 2023
Included in the course
8 lessons (video or text)
7 exercises in the IDE
25 quizzes
Assistance in Discussions on the website
Access to other courses of the our platform
What you'll learn
- Mark up the page using Pug syntax
- Include files and plugins
- Use JavaScript to add logic to compile a template
- Create mixins to reuse code snippets
The course is devoted to the Pug HTML preprocessor, the main purpose of which is to speed up development and facilitate work with application structure. Pug allows you to add new functionality to page layout: plugins and files, templates, mixins, interaction with JS. This allows you to optimize your work with the layout and reduce the number of errors in it.
Course program
Estimated time: 9 hours
Connecting files
Learning how to connect Pug files and work with additional modules that allow you to process data in different formats -
Learning to use JavaScript in the preprocessor, to work with interpolating variables and expressions, and add buffered and unbuffered code -
Conditional constructions
Learning about the conditional constructs (if, else, unless) -
Additional resources
Some materials the Hexlet team have picked up. This will give you a more in-depth understanding of the topic
We recommend working on these challenges after completing the course. They'll help you obtain more experience in programming and strengthen your new skills.
completion rate