Lessons by tag «destructuring»

We found 39 lessons lessons about the «destructuring» in the Hexlet catalog. These lessons on «destructuring» are available in the following courses: JS: Objects, JS: Functions, Python: Functions.

In course «JS: Objects»

Explore the actual object structure

In course «JS: Objects»

Explore the course structure, goals, and objectives

In course «JS: Objects»

Learn how to write more concise code for extracting object properties

In course «JS: Objects»

Learn the syntax for operating objects

In course «JS: Objects»

Learn the basic ways to modify objects

In course «JS: Objects»

Meet the concept of reference data type

In course «JS: Objects»

See real-life objects use cases

In course «JS: Objects»

Learn how to correctly determine if an object has a property

In course «JS: Objects»

Learn to extend one object with data from other objects

In course «JS: Objects»

Learn the syntax for creating, reading, and modifying nested objects

In course «JS: Objects»

Learn to use the for...of loop to traverse an object

In course «JS: Objects»

Learn to use spread (expand) operator with objects

In course «JS: Objects»

Explore how to create shallow and deep copies of objects

In course «JS: Functions»

Summarize knowledge about functions and get to grips with the concept of abstraction

In course «JS: Functions»

Learn how to use the rest syntax to form an array from function arguments

In course «JS: Functions»

Come to grips with the concept of standard interface

In course «JS: Functions»

Meet the CQS principle

In course «JS: Functions»

Learn how to use the map method

In course «JS: Functions»

Learn about the course, its structure, objectives, and goals

In course «JS: Functions»

Learn how to apply the destructuring assignment for function parameters

In course «JS: Functions»

Learn how to build abstractions using functions

In course «JS: Functions»

Learn how to use the filter method

In course «JS: Functions»

Consider functions as data. Learn about arrow functions

In course «JS: Functions»

Learn about the concepts of determinism and side effects

In course «JS: Functions»

Learn how to use the spread syntax with a function call

In course «JS: Functions»

Become familiar with the "paradigm" concept and examine the differences between imperative and declarative paradigms

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Found 3 courses by tag «destructuring»
16 hours  
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14 hours  
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3 hours  
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