Layout Designer
Creates pages using HTML and CSS. Can use Flex and Grid modules. Uses SASS pre-processor, Pug template engine and builds projects with Gulp. Makes sure page is balanced by creating semantically correct markup. Creates components and utilities on Bootstrap. Arranges adaptive projects.
Tons of practice
→ 300+ in-browser exercises homework with instant autochecking. Do them whenever it suits you.,
→ 4 projects for your GitHub portfolio. A great opportunity to understand how real business-driven development works.
→ 11 open-source Hexlet projects to help you learn how to handle other people's code and make pull requests. This will give you experience in collaborative development.
→ Take-home assignments from our partners: a database of real-world tasks for you to practice. This will give you confidence in interviews.
Inspiring stories from Hexlet graduates who’ve found jobs all over the world
We’ve been in the online education market since 2012. Around 10,000 students use our platform every month. We’re a multicultural community of students who are successfully employed around the world.