

HTTP API is a way for services to request data from other services.
In this course we will talk about what HTTP API is, what it is and how it works. We will get acquainted with the HTTP protocol and learn how it is organized. We will learn how to send data in forms, basic authentication and work with cookies. We will learn how to make requests to API using curl program and Postman service. We will perform CRUD requests, get acquainted with the OpenAPI standard and consider different API architectural styles.

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HTTP API Fundamentals

We will learn about the HTTP protocol and how it is organized. We will study sending data in forms, basic authentication and working with cookies. We will learn how to make requests to the API using the curl program and the Postman service. We will make CRUD requests, learn about the OpenAPI standard, and consider different API architectural styles.
Теория, квизы, практика в тренажере
forms authentication query string redirect
curl rpc CRUD REST


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